Monday, November 07, 2005

hsqldb - 100% Free and Fast Java Database


Features Summary

  • 100% Java
  • A full RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), with the Object capabilities of Java
  • Switchable source code to support JDK 1.1.x, 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x and above
  • Super fast startup and SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE operations
  • Standard SQL (Structured Query Language) syntax
  • Inner and outer joins, SELECT queries as correlations in joins
  • Scalar (single value) SELECTS, correlated subqueries including IN, EXISTS, ANY, ALL
  • Views, Temp tables and sequences
  • Primary key, unique and check constraints on single or multiple columns
  • Indexes on single or multiple columns
  • COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG and statistical aggregate functions (also in expressions and function arguments)
  • Full support for SQL expressions such as CASE .. WHEN .. ELSE .. , NULLIF etc.
  • SQL standard autoincrement column support plus sequences
  • Transaction COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT support
  • Referential Integrity (foreign keys) with full cascading options (delete, update, set null, set default)
  • Multiple schemata per database
  • Java stored procedures and functions
  • Triggers
  • Database security with passwords, user rights and roles with GRANT and REVOKE
  • Extensive set of ALTER TABLE commands allowing change of column type
  • In-memory tables for fastest operation
  • Disk based tables for large data sets
  • Text tables with external file data sources such as CSV files
  • In-memory (like applets), embedded (into Java applications) and Client-Server operating modes
  • Three client server protocols: HSQL, HTTP and HSQL-BER - can run as an HTTP web server - all with SSL option
  • Can be used in applets, read-only media (CD), inside jars, webstart and embedded applications
  • Multiple databases per JVM
  • Disk tables (CACHED TABLE) up to 8GB and text tables up to 2GB each
  • Size of each string and binary data item only limited by memory
  • Full support for PreparedStatement objects to speed up query processing
  • 95% JDBC interface support with batch statement and scrollable ResultSet functionality
  • All JDBC 1 data types supported, plus 'Object' , Boolean, Blob and Clob
  • Full JDBC 2 DatabaseMetaData and ResultSetMetaData support
  • Database dump as SQL script with or without data
  • Powerful and compact java command line and GUI tools for database management


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